All Copyrights Reserved 2011 HTC Design Bipolar                                               Bipolar  To address Bipolar Disorders, we begin by reducing  stress levels. Then we balance neurotransmitters,  work on mental clarity, at the same time as building  up and strengthening the immune system.  The result is that our clients feel stronger, more  balanced, more confident and they experience  fewer high and low spots. Call us to discuss any  details of how we might help you.  I can send energy towards the re-healing of your  chakras, and assist you with the necessary ways  towards healing your bi-polar disorder in a natural  manner.   Bipolar disorder can be caused by a combination of genetic predisposition, trauma, repressed emotions, core belief systems, imbalanced brain chemistry, physical disease and other culprits are Energetic imbalances. A lot of bipolar people have extreme spiritual experiences, especially during the elated phase. These experiences are actual spiritual processes, such as a kundalini awakening and spontaneous shaman's journey. Extreme spiritual experiences can be stabilized with spiritual healing modalities such as chakra balancing.