All Copyrights Reserved 2011 HTC Design Crystal Healing                  The practitioner places crystals on different parts of the                  body, often corresponding to the chakras, or places                  crystals around the body in an attempt to construct an                  energy grid, which is believed to surround the client with                  healing energy.[1] The healing is supposed to remove                   blockages in the aura or the body's electromagnetic                  field.                  When the stones are placed in the area of the chakras, the                  colour of the stones may correspond to the colour which                  is associated with the corresponding chakra. Going from                  the tail bone to the top of the head, the colours are red,                  orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Different stones                  are believed to have different healing vibrations,[3] so a                  treatment based on the type of stone may be used                    instead. Stones may also be used at the feet in an attempt                 at grounding the individual, or held in the hands.                    Practitioners may also use tools such as crystal wands,                 which are placed near the receiver's body, or near a                 certain 'blocked' chakra, or use to perform psychic                 surgery, normally conducted with laser quartz wands. Distance Crystal Healing  Distance Crystal Healing (DCH) is one of the most effective healing treatments available on earth today. There is, however some very crucial information that you must know before you participate in Crystal Healing (CH). If done correctly, distance crystal healing, can change your life. Crystal  CH therapy is quite versatile and be done in many holistic health forms. For example some common alternative health methods.